Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Participation

Organiser” means Expotrade, the organiser of events.
Application Form” means an online or printed participation booking form provided by the Organiser to the Client.
Client” means any person, firm or organisation who is participating in an Event organised by the Organiser.
'Event’ means any exhibition or conference organised by the Organiser in which the Client is participating.
'Venue' means the venue/place in which the Event is taking place.
Speakers’ means individuals speaking at the Event (for e.g. Conference Speakers)

Terms of payment
(a) Full payment is due and payable by the Client within 7 days from the date of the invoice issued by the Organiser in relation to the Client’s participation in the Event.
(b) In the event of default of payment in a), the Client’s application may be cancelled and the Organiser reserves the right to claim all the Fees from the Client. The Client is not entitled to any form of compensation whatsoever.
(c) For other additional services offered from time to time by the Organiser, payments must be made in full and in advance when placing orders for such services.

Participation Cancellations & Refunds
If the Client cancels their participation, the Organiser remains entitled to 100% of the total fee shown on the Application Form and no refund of payment will be made. In this event the Client must pay to the Organiser the fee within 30 days of giving notice of cancellation.

Event Cancellation, Postponement & Bringing Forward

The Organiser will refund the Client any amount paid if the Event is cancelled, brought forward or postponed by more than 12 months.

No Warranty
The Organiser does not warrant the success of the Event nor whether the Client will benefit from participating in the Event and the Client agrees to hold the Organiser harmless in the event the Event does not meet its expectations.

Venue Changes
The Organiser reserves the right to change the venue of the event if necessary. In such cases, the Organiser will make every effort to secure a similar suitable venue. Clients will be notified of any changes to the venue as soon as possible.

Change or Cancellation of non-sponsored Speakers
The non-sponsored speakers retain the right to cancel their participation in the event. In the event of such cancellation, the Organiser shall make reasonable efforts to locate and secure a suitable replacement speaker. The organiser shall not be held liable or responsible for any such changes or withdrawals made by the non-sponsored speakers.

Change or removal of non-sponsored topics
The organiser retains the right to alter or eliminate certain discussion topics at their discretion.

Refusal of Client's participation by the Organiser
The Organiser reserves the right to refuse the participation of any client in the event at its sole discretion and without providing any reasons. In such instances, any monies paid by the client for participation in the event will be refunded in full within 30 days of the decision to refuse participation.

Credit Card Payments
The organiser is allowed to add a surcharge of up to 3% of the invoice amount for credit card payments.

Clients are required to obtain and maintain comprehensive insurance coverage for the duration of the event. This insurance must include, but is not limited to, coverage for injury, public liability, property and venue damage, and theft of their personal goods or property at the event. Proof of insurance must be provided to the Organiser upon request.

Booth Customisation (for clients with a booth at the event)
Clients who want to customise their booth at the event must submit their design plans to the organiser for approval. All customisations must fit within the space allocated to the client by the organiser. It is the client's responsibility to ensure that the design complies with all event regulations and guidelines.

Damage to the Venue

The Client must take care of and must not cause any damage or permit or suffer any damage to be done to the Venue or to any part or parts thereof or to any fittings, equipment or other property therein, and shall make good and pay for damages thereto (including accident damage and damage by fire) caused by act or omission of the Client, or any of their employees agents, representatives, contractors or persons by reason of the use of the Venue by the Client.

Force Majeure
Any delay or failure by either party to perform its obligations will be excused if caused by an extraordinary event or occurrence beyond the control of the nonperforming party and without the nonperforming party's fault or negligence, such as acts of God, fires, floods, pandemic, epidemic, windstorms, explosions, riots, natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, sabotage, strikes, shortages of labour or material, vendor failures, transportation embargoes or acts of any governmental or governmental agency. In the event of such an event, the Organiser may at its discretion postpone or delay the event and no compensation or refund will be given to the Client.

Waiver of Organiser Indemnity

(a) Under no circumstances will the Organiser be obliged to make good or accept any responsibility or liabilitywhatsoever arising in respect of damage to or theft or loss of any property, goods, articles or things however placed, deposited, brought into or left at the Venue either by the Client for their use or purpose or by any other person(b) Under no circumstances will the Organiser be responsible for reduction in attendee/delegate numbers at anyEvent due to reasons that are beyond the control of the Organiser(c) Under no circumstances will the Organiser be responsible for any fiancial losses incurred by the Client due totheir participation or non-participation at the Event(d) The Organiser is not accountable for any refusal of visas. No refunds will be provided on the basis of visa refusals (e) To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the total liability of the Organisers, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, shall not exceed the total amount paid by the Client to the Organisers for participation in the Event.

Data Usage Policy
The Client agrees to our Privacy Policy. At any time the Client may opt out of receiving any communications from us (other than as required for the operation of our business, eg regarding payment of your account). Unless the Client have indicated otherwise, Expotrade provides information about you to third parties for their promotional purposes.

Infringement of 'Terms & Conditions for Participation'

Any breach of these ‘Terms & Conditions for Participation’ and any other further rules and regulations determined by the Organiser may, at the Organiser’s absolute discretion, result in the exclusion of the Client from the Event, and the Client has no right to claim compensation or demand refund of any payments already made, or any loss or expenses, nor shall the Client be released from their contractual obligation to pay.

Without prejudice to the powers of the parties to enter into a general or limited arbitration agreement, all disputes arising from the Client's participation, from the enforcement of these Terms & Conditions, or from any other contracts relating to the Event, or by virtue of regulations or stipulations laid down or prescribed in the future by the Organiser, must be governed and construed according to the laws of United Arab Emirates and the Client hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Without prejudice to the powers of the parties to enter into a general or limited arbitration agreement, all disputes arising from the Client's participation, from the enforcement of these Terms & Conditions, or from any other contracts relating to the Event, or by virtue of regulations or stipulations laid down or prescribed in the future by the Organiser, must be governed and construed according to the laws of Victoria, Australia and the Client hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia.